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Edgar Wibble is not a real-live person -

though we would love it if he was. 

We created the character of Edgar Wibble to represent 

the best of human qualities -

kind and patient, intelligent, careful, good-humored, mannerly,

intuitive and philanthropic -

the very type of character that we strive to be as we contribute our small part to the fabric of humanity. 


We are storytellers and we desire to

be storytellers with discernment.


Storytelling, when done mindfully, builds an indelible trust between the storyteller and the audience. And puppetry, similar to magic,

requires that the viewers suspend their reality to allow a connection

and direct communication with their imagination in order to

fully engage and experience the show.


When the mind is actively involved in the experience

(unlike passive entertainment), new information can be absorbed, different perspectives explored,

and individual thought patterns can emerge.


Pivotal psychosocial studies have proven that children

who regularly activate their imaginations 

establish and stimulate neural pathways in the brain

that actually contribute to higher intelligence, increased empathy, better communication skills and overall happiness.


Conversely, when people are indiscriminately exposed to graphic or frightening images or ideas, often disguised as "comedy provided for shock value," or even worse, the uncensored harsh facts of the "real world," the mind reflexively shuts down the receptive part of the brain

in order to disconnect and protect the

person from what they are viewing or experiencing. 

It has to - it's primal - it's survival.


Unfortunately, this "disconnection" is directly responsible for

inhibiting stimulation of areas of the brain that are critical

for the development of independent and creative thought,

the assimilation and adaptation of new concepts, as well as

vital thinking skills necessary for

growth of intelligence and self-actualization.


Therefore, it is crucial that the stories and images provided for children are closely examined for what they are exposing and conveying to young minds, whether deliberately or unintentionally.

This careful examination is called discernment. 


An Edgar Wibble show will always find a way, through relatable characters and light-hearted storytelling, to present concepts

that encourage child-to-adult 

discussions about morals and values, tolerance and acceptance, relationships and self-sufficiency, as well as our place in our community and our connection to our world.

In our stories, our characters are seeking understanding themselves and using language that children can not only understand, but also use to expand their own expression. 

And our stories always seek a higher sense of humor encouraging

young ones to ask why some things are funny and explore their

feelings about the content. 


Of course, we still just want kids to have fun and laugh at our puns,

and learn without realizing they are learning, but we always try to remember that it is

how we present our stories

that makes the difference between

"just another puppet show" and  

Edgar Wibble


So, Welcome!

Check us out and watch some of our free videos to see

what we're all about, and most of all...

be as happy as you can be and put children first!


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